A white background with a few lines on it

Service: (773) 237-2672

M-F: 8am-6pm | Sat: 8am-3pm

A black and white drawing of a map with a pin on it.

6902 W. Diversey Ave.

Chicago, IL



Nationwide Peace of Mind Warranty



Who makes this Limited Warranty?

This limited warranty is extended only to you, the original purchaser, and not to anyone who may purchase your vehicle from you during the term of the warranty. This limited warranty is made by the Independent Repair Facility ("Dealer) who is so named on the original repair order, and whom performed the service/repairs on your vehicle. This warranty will be honored by any NAPA AutoCare Dealer participating in this program, or any other authorized repair facility anywhere In the United States. This warranty is not a warranty by National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA), its employees, jobbers, member companies, or the administrator, Sonsio Administrative Services. Inc., its affiliates, subsidiaries or any of their employees, or member companies. Sonsio Administrative Services. Inc. serves as the administrator only.


What is covered by the warranty?

This Warranty covers the following types of repairs and services:

  • Air conditioning, heating and climate control systems
  • Brake system.
  • Clutches - clutch component or assembly repair and replacement
  • Engine Cooling systems.
  • Engine performance, drivability services and repairs.
  • Emission control system.
  • Electronic Engine management system and other on-board computer systems, (engine, body, brake and suspension computers), cruise control systems.
  • Drive axles/Differential assembly and components (gears, bearings. and seals)
  • Electrical systems.
  • Exhaust system
  • Fuel systems.
  • Ignition system
  • Other minor repairs.
  • Starting and charging systems.
  • Steering/suspension systems, wheel bearings, CV joints/U-Joints, half-shafts and drive shafts.
  • Transaxles

The Independent Repair Facility warrants that the above repairs and services performed at their location will be free from defects materials and workmanship for 24 months or 24.000 miles of use. whichever comes first, measured from the date of the first repair and the odometer reading shown on the original repair order. This warranty is conditioned on the vehicle being subjected only to normal, non-commercial use, and receiving reasonable and necessary maintenance during the warranty period. Warranty repair costs shall in no case exceed the costs of the original related repair or service. If there is a defect in either materials or workmanship within the warranty period, the Independent Repair Facility shall have the option to other perform remedial service work at no charge to you. replace the defective warranted part(s) without charge to you, or refund to you the entire charge for the warranted repairs, minus any previous refunds or credits.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA ONLY: A buyer of covered products or services has the right to have warranty service performed during the warranty period. The warranty period will be extended for the number of whole days that the vehicle has been out of the buyer's hands for warranty repairs. If a defect exists within the warranty period, the warranty will not expire until the defect has been fixed. The warranty period will also be extended if the warranty repairs have not been performed due to delays caused by circumstances beyond the control of the buyer, or if the warranty repairs did not remedy the defect, and the buyer notifies the warranty administrator of the failure of the repairs within 60 days after they were completed. If, after a reasonable number of attempts, the defect has not been fixed, the buyer may return his vehicle for a replacement of parts, if applicable, or a refund, in either case, subject to deduction of a reasonable charge for usage. This time extension does not affect the protections or remedies the buyer has under other laws.

Where you can obtain warranty service?

If you are less than 25 miles away from the original repairing NAPA AutoCare Dealer location, you must return your vehicle to the NAPA AutoCare Dealer location where the warranted service was performed and present your copy of the repair order to the Dealer. If your vehicle is inoperable, and you are more than 25 miles away from the original repairing NAPA AutoCare Dealer location, you may be eligible for certain towing and/or rental car benefits as determined by the Administrator. If you are not aware of a participating NAPA AutoCare Dealer location in your area, then you must call the Administrator, at (800) 452-NAPA. from 8:00 am. to 8:00 pm. Monday through Friday (Eastern Time) and 8:00 am. to 5:30 pm. Saturday (Eastern Time), excluding holidays. The Administrator will direct you to the nearest participating NAPA AutoCare Dealer location. If there are no NAPA AutoCare Dealer locations in your area, the administrator will direct you to a non-NAPA AutoCare Dealer location.

What you must do to obtain warranty service?

You must keep a copy of the repair order and present It when socking service under this warranty. If warranty work is performed, you must temporarily surrender possession of the repair order.

If there are no participating locations in your area, you must obtain authorization from the Warranty Administrator prior to any warranty repair work by calling (800) 452-NAPA . If the non-participating Repair Facility location will not accept payment from the Administrator, you must pay for the warranty service and submit a legible copy of your original repair order and warranty service repair order to the Administrator for consideration for reimbursement under this warranty.

What is not covered by this warranty?

This Warranty does not cover repair(s) or replacement(s) except as listed in the section, "What is Covered by this Warranty." even though the Facility may offer other services. Specifically excluded are any repairs involving replacement or removal of internally lubricated parts and other such repairs as listed below. Automotive repairs excluded from the Nationwide Limited Warranty include:


  1. Any internal repairs or replacement of internal components, or replacement of engine assembly.


  1. Automatic - any internal repair or component replacement requiring the removal of the automatic transmission from the vehicle or disassembly of the same.
  2. Manual - any repair to a manual transmission requiring the removal of the transmission for the repair to be performed.


  1. Any repair or materials related to auto body repair work.
  2. Glass related repairs.



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